What we do

Area of Work


Digital Transformation

Digital India is a flagship program of the Government of India with a vision to transform India into a digitally empowered society and economy. As Next Million Foundation believes that Digital technologies can unveil a new world of possibilities in social change, and this is the intent of the Next Million Foundation Digital Transformation program.

Affordable Healthcare

Next Million Foundation supports sustainable change in the healthcare system by strengthening existing healthcare systems and facilitating evidence-based decision-making. To achieve this goal, The Foundation ensures that its strategy dovetails with that of the state governments. Next Million Foundation works to improve the access to quality healthcare services for the poor and marginalized communities

Quality education

Next Million Foundation ensures quality elementary education for children, especially girls and those from marginalized communities, to help them become leaders and change-makers of the future. We see education as an imperative tool for children to realize their maximum potential by gaining crucial skills and dispositions that set them on the path of social and economic empowerment.

Skill development and Entrepreneurship​

Next Million Foundation works with students and young people, living in poverty. Taking them to new opportunities by giving them Skill development and entrepreneurship training programs. As part of Skill India Mission, we have developed hundreds of Entrepreneurs.

Agricultural Innovation

The Next Million Foundation works to uplift the farmer’s ability by helping them perform tasks in their respective fields. To provide ample opportunity to the budding farmers by widening their scope of knowledge. To conduct training and development workshops for the country’s farmers to sync the latest developed techniques and innovations to utilize them and empower themselves and enhance their farming techniques.


Sustainable Clean energy

Next Million Foundation works to facilitate a cleaner energy future by aiding the design and implementation of policies that promote clean energy. 7th Sustainable Development goals of UNDP and we believe we can achieve it together.

Rural Economic Growth

The Next Million Foundation is to engage in sustainable development techniques to empower the local rural communities, especially women and children. In the initial years, it concentrated on non-formal adult education. Gradually NMF has diversified its activities in other fields such as women and child development, children’s education, health & nutrition, low-cost sanitation, care & rehabilitation of the elderly, and disaster relief & rehabilitation.

Environmental Protection

Next Million Foundation advocates for environment instruction and consciousness in every society through different programs, seminars, and training. It supports global initiatives towards evolving processes and systems for sustainable improvement. A new initiative to keep and improve the natural, eco-friendly system. It features sustainable development goals of UNDP

Clean Water and Sanitation

Next Million Foundation believes that it is every individual’s right to receive safe and sanitized drinking water. NMF is working towards the conservation of water bodies in different parts of Maharashtra and aims at ensuring that every family in its geography receives their share of 250 liters of water per day through taps and pipes, in addition to other basic facilities such as sanitation, healthcare, and livelihood. As this is the 6th Sustainable Development goal of UNDP



Next Million Foundation is an NGO, working with the underprivileged and marginalized youth from various parts of India. Its objective is to connect with this youth and support their growth and development, through the power of sport. Next Million Foundation is working to provide community support for students and individuals in numerous scholarships for developmental problems and issues related to sectors like healthcare, education, rural development, civil society, and so on and also providing support to institution working on sustainable development Goals.

Institutions and Scholarships.

 Next million Foundation is working to provide community support for students and individuals in numerous scholarships for developmental problems and issues related to sectors like healthcare, education, rural development, civil society, and so on and also providing support to institution working on sustainable development Goals.

Partnership for Goals

Partnership for goals “We believe that nothing can be achieved alone.” “We believe in the working together” We aim to achieve the UNDP Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.